BANJARMASIN - Two Malaysian foreign nationals who are in the Class IIA Penitentiary (Lapas) Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan will receive a special Christmas remission in 2021.

"These two foreigners are included in the 58 prison residents in South Kalimantan who are Christians and Catholics who received Christmas remission today," said Head of the Correctional Division of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Kalimantan, Sri Yuwono, in Banjarmasin, Saturday, December 25.

Inmates who get remission receive a reduced prison term ranging from 15 days, 1 month, 1 month 15 days to 2 months.

At this Christmas momentum, only Special Remission I (RK I) was given to inmates who met the criteria and requirements, so no one was immediately released.

RK I is a remission given with a reduced amount of detention. Meanwhile, Special Remission II (RK II) is a grant of remission whose criminal period, if deducted from the acquisition of the remission, will immediately be released. As for the details of the UPT Penitentiary in South Kalimantan which provides special Christmas remissions, namely Class IIA Banjarmasin Prison as many as 12 people, Class IIA Narcotics Prison Karang Intan 4 people, Martapura Women's Class IIA Prison 4 people, Kotabaru Class IIA Prison 11 people, Banjarbaru Class IIB Prison 10 people.

Then, Class IIB Amuntai Prison 1 person, Class IIB Tanjung Prison 2 people, Class IIB Pelaihari Detention Center 4 people, Class IIB Rantau Rutan 2 people, Class IIB Kandangan Detention Center 1 person, Class IIB Barabai Detention Center 1 person, Class IIB Tanjung Prison 5 people , and 1 person Marabahan Class IIB Rutan.

Yuwono said that the granting of special remissions for religious holidays is a tangible form of promoting and protecting human rights as an important legal tool in order to realize the goal of a good prison system. This was reported by Antara.

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