PALU - The Palu City Government, Central Sulawesi Province is optimistic that it can reduce the poverty rate to 5.5 percent by 2022, with the intervention of various programs and activities.

"The poverty alleviation program is outlined in the Palu City medium-term development plan (RPJMD) for 2021-2026, which is used as a guideline by the government in intervening in all forms of activity," said Deputy Mayor of Palu Reny A Lamadjido in Palu, Saturday, December 25.

He explained that from the 5.5 percent target, it is hoped that the poverty depth index will be 0.94 and the poverty severity index will be 0.2. This can be achieved if each regional organization (OPD) increases synergy with various parties and works hard.

In the poverty alleviation program next year, the Palu City Government intervenes in a number of essential priority sectors, including education, health, infrastructure, and developing the people's economy and tourism.

The five areas that will outline the program of future activities will be carried out consistently until 2026 to provide protection for vulnerable citizens so that their lives will be much better than before.

"Simultaneous work is important. It means that the government opens opportunities for all parties to work together in reducing poverty to a minimum so that people's lives are more prosperous from all aspects," said Reny. According to him, smart work and sincere work are one of the keys to success in reduce poverty. The Palu City Government has detected obstacles and prepared solutions in implementing the intervention in the next five years.

In addition, in order to provide development programs and services, there is a synergy between pro-poor planning and budgeting and poverty reduction schemes.

"Poverty affects the human development index (HDI). To increase the HDI, what needs to be improved is the level of citizen welfare. This intervention is not only carried out by local governments, but the Central Government also takes part in poverty matters, such as intervention in social assistance programs and so on," Renny said. This was reported by Antara.

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