JAKARTA - Sawah Besar Police Chief Maulana Mukarom said his party together with the three pillars of Sawah Besar had formed an integrated security post (Pospam) centered in front of the Cathedral Church, Central Jakarta.

"Pospam is already standing in front of the cathedral church near the entrance around the Istiqlal mosque. Christmas security activities are carried out until New Year's Eve," said Maulana when contacted by VOI, Friday, December 24.

The police chief said that in his area there was no special security for certain churches. But he centered the integrated pump post in the cathedral church.

"For the number of member reinforcements as well as printed (order) and Operations Control Assistance (BKO) from Metro Jaya Police. The number is approximately the same as last year," he said.

Meanwhile, in order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and anticipate the Omicron variant, the Sector Police Chief admitted that his party had held a meeting with church administrators regarding the tightening of health protocols (Prokes).

"We convey that the prokes issue must and must be enforced. Indeed, there are some churches that carry out offline and online activities," he said.

Meanwhile, churches that carry out offline activities are limited.

"For example, a cathedral church with a capacity of approximately three thousand congregations can only worship, only 40 percent are allowed. Or around 700-800 congregations will carry out activities," he said again.

The police chief ensured that every church in Sawah Besar that carried out offline worship activities was required to have a care-protect application.

"So the rules of obeying the prokes in their implementation must still be implemented," he said.

Separately, the Public Relations of the Archdiocese of the Jakarta Cathedral Church, Susyana Suwadie, said that people who perform face-to-face worship at the church or "offline" must be registered as members of the Cathedral Parish.

"As of December, Christmas capacity has reached 40 percent, from the initial 20 percent since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is a total of 650 people," said Susy when confirmed, Friday, December 24.

Susy explained that face-to-face worship is divided into three locations, namely 310 people in the church, 210 people in the hall, and 130 people at Plaza Maria.

In addition to ensuring that they are registered in the Cathedral Parish, people must also register for face-to-face worship through a site that has been socialized.

After registering on the site, people will get a QR-Code which will be used as access when entering the cathedral.

During worship, people are required to apply health protocols, namely to always wear masks.

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