JAKARTA - Two toddlers with the initials MZR (3) and MRA (3 months) became victims of the concrete ruins of a house renovation that suddenly collapsed in Gang Achmad, Makasar Village, Makasar District, East Jakarta.

As a result of the collapse of the building project for the renovation of the second floor of the house, MZR died, while MRA was seriously injured.

"Due to this incident, the victim's parents did not sue legally (to the house renovator) and made a statement," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Makassar Police, Iptu Mochammad Zen, Friday, December 24.

Kanit further said that the collapsed building was still in the form of castings. At the time of the incident, the two children were playing downstairs.

"The witness heard a loud noise and saw the second floor building collapsed while it was being renovated. Two victims were hit," he said.

Residents who knew the incident immediately helped the victim and took him to the nearest health center. However, MZR's life was not saved and he died.

Due to this incident, the victim's parents considered the incident as a disaster.

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