JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani met with PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar on the sidelines of the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) congress in Lampung.

Initially, Muzani explained the reason for his coming to the NU Congress. As a member of the DPR for the Lampung 1 electoral district (dapil), he admits that he is happy that his electoral district is hosting the Nahdliyin community's celebration.

"I am a member of the DPR from the Lampung 1 electoral district, and Lampung is currently hosting the congress. Therefore, we feel happy to receive the honor of being trusted by Lampung as the host of the congress," said Muzani in his statement, Thursday, December 23.

According to Muzani, he felt the need to meet PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar who was also present at the NU Congress.

"At this congress, we are confused (arrival, red) the General Chairperson of PKB, Mr. Muhaimin Iskandar So, as a fellow leader of a political party, I feel the need to 'menayubagyo' (be happy) and feel the need to meet him to express my gratitude," Muzani explained.

He also did not deny that in a meeting with Muhaimin alias Cak Imin, there was talk about the possibility of Gerindra and PKB forming a coalition in the 2024 presidential election. The reason, he said, was that Gerindra and PKB had several things in common.

"Gerindra and PKB are both parties that have an orientation for the progress of the nation's people and the people. We both have the sharpness of how the struggle against the people, the little people continues to be honed, and we both have national orientations," said Muzani.

Therefore, continued Muzani, the two of them talked about Pancasila. Including some political developments in the country. Muzani also revealed Cak Imin's intention to run in the 2024 presidential election.

"A little while ago, we started talking about Mr. Muhaimin asking us about whether Mr. Prabowo is running for the 2024 presidential election, we answered Mr. Prabowo, God willing. We also asked Mr. Muhaimin if you were running for 2024? Mr. Muhaimin also said yes God willing, too," explained Muzani.

However, Muzani has not confirmed that Gerindra and PKB will form a coalition in 2024. The reason is because the political situation in the country is still dynamic.

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