PALEMBANG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency of South Sumatra Province predicts that the disaster status in the province has the potential to increase, especially floods for the next few months.

This was announced by the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). Where until March 2022, South Sumatra will be rained on a scale of 200-300 mm triggered by changes in sea surface temperature that pass the largest threshold.

"Currently, the flood status is still moderate (levels 2 and 3). Looking at the forecast from BMKG, the potential for flooding may still increase. The public must be really vigilant", said South Sumatra Regional Disaster Management Agency Head of Emergency Management, Ansori in Palembang, Thursday, December 23.

According to him, in addition to the community in this emergency, the Regency/City government is also required to be more responsive and optimal in taking steps to prevent and even handle the impact of disasters.

Where out of 17 regencies/cities nine areas have received early warnings of the potential for high rain. Includes Rawas Musi, North Rawas Musi, Empat Lawang, Lahat, Muara Enim, OKU, East OKU, South OKU and Pagaralam City.

Of the nine areas, he continued, the South Sumatra Regional Disaster Management Agency recorded that there had been as many as 20 flood events with an average water level of 80-200 cm during August to the first two weeks of December.

Although it is still classified as moderate, the flood has submerged hundreds of houses, hundreds of hectares of rice fields, and community gardens, and damaged about three bridge infrastructure. But it was confirmed that there were no casualties.

"For this reason, as a mitigation effort, we have coordinated with PU irrigation, PU Bina Marga to prepare heavy equipment and include joint personnel to accelerate the evacuation process from the impact of the disaster", he said.

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