JAKARTA – Wednesday, December 22, afternoon, dozens of workers continued their demonstration in the Central Government Area of Banten Province (KP3B), Serang City. They demanded an apology from Governor Wahid Halim (WH) because his remarks were deemed to have hurt the workers in Tangerang.

After waiting for the WH Governor for a long time, the workers finally bustled their way through the KP3B door. They took the initiative to meet the number one person in Banten to ask for clarification and an apology for what he said.

The administrator of the All-Indonesian Workers Union (SPSI) of Banten City, Hardiansyah, said the workers were disappointed and wanted to meet Wahidin.

Workers sitting on the seat of the Governor of Banten/ Photo: Screen capture

"Labors are disappointed, they want to check the governor's whereabouts, so they go into the governor's room. We go inside, it turns out that the room is empty, the governor is no longer there," Hardiansyah told reporters, Wednesday, December 22, afternoon.

The workers finally managed to get into Wahidin's room, and they finally saw for themselves that the Governor was not in his room. However, after seeing Wahidin's room directly, it turned out that the workers did not immediately leave the room.

Based on photos and videos circulating in WhatsApp groups, the workers took the contents of the refrigerator in Wahidin's room. They take drinks. There was even a moment where the workers sat on Wahidin's chair one by one while taking selfies.

The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Shinto Silitonga, said that the masses of workers wanted an audience with the Governor of Banten or officials who could accept their aspirations, but no officials were willing to meet at that time.

"The mass of workers barged into the governor's office and found that the governor was not in the office. Then it was found that the mass of workers took some drinks that were in the refrigerator in the governor's office. However, there was no damage to any objects in the governor's office," explained Shinto Silitonga.

Labor representatives who finally met the Banten Provincial Secretary/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police

The action continued into the night, the workers still occupying Wahidin's room. Until 23.00 p.m., the Acting Secretary of Banten Province, Muhtarom, finally met the demonstrators. They also discussed the demands of workers in Banten who were disappointed by Wahidin's words, that employers are better off looking for new workers, if the employees refuse the City Minimum Wage (UMK).

"Last night, the Banten Provincial Secretary received an audience with representatives of the mass of workers, so that the mass of workers finally agreed to disperse at around eleven o'clock in the evening," concluded Sinto.

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