JAKARTA – The Serang City Police have secured a demonstration carried out by the mass of workers in the Central Area of the Banten Provincial Government (KP3B). However, during the action, the demonstrators managed to enter the room of the Governor of Banten Wahidin Halim (WH). In fact, there are workers who occupy the governor's chair.

"The mass of workers broke into the governor's office and found that the governor was not in the office," said Banten Police Public Relations Head Shinto Silitonga when confirmed, Wednesday, December 22.

Shinto said, in the WH Governor's room, the workers took some drinks that were in the refrigerator as well as on the table and in the Governor's office.

He also explained that while in the room, the crowd did not do any damage.

"However, there was no damage to any objects in the Governor's office." continued Shinto Silitonga.

"Banten Police invite the Banten Provincial Government to report the incident so that it can be processed through the criminal law mechanism," he added.

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