BANYUWANGI - Strong winds hit Banyuwangi, East Java. Several trees fell.

A fallen tree also hit a car on Jalan Mangir, Rogojampi Banyuwangi. Trees blocking the road made traffic flow completely paralyzed.

One of the residents, Affan, said a tree on the east side of the road suddenly collapsed. At that time the wind was so strong.

"It moved slowly and it collapsed blocking the road. Fortunately, it was quiet", said a resident who lives near the site, Tuesday, December 21.

Until now, road users are still stuck in two directions. Residents are still waiting for the process of clearing tree trunks from the road.

Meanwhile, Banyuwangi Operations Control Center of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Officer, Saiful Andrianto, said officers had not yet arrived at the location because they were handling a similar incident in Banyuwangi.

"In the city of Banyuwangi there are two locations, now they are still being handled", he said.

Forecast of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Banyuwangi, Yustoto Windiarto, said the strong winds were caused by the wind pump. Where the high-pressure wind blows towards lower pressure wind.

This strong wind will last for two days, potentially causing tidal flooding. The weather is also forecast to rain.

"Beware of increasing wind speed. Be aware of the potential for tidal flooding. For the Banyuwangi area, it is predicted to occur at night along with the maximum sea tide at around 21.00 WIB. Coastal communities and fisherman are advised to be alert and anticipate it", Yustoto said separately.

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