JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) gave an award to the Cultural Village as a government appreciation for residents and village governments who made big leaps in moving the cultural ecosystem in their area. has made a big leap in moving the cultural ecosystem in the region," said Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Anwar Makarim, in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, December 17. General of Culture Kemendikbudristek. He called the achievement of the Cultural Village as inspirational. "The awarding of this Cultural Village can be an inspiration for other villages and can also be a learning material for students and education actors, independent to learn, independent culture," he said. Villages that passed the assessment criteria jury, succeeded me Raise various issues that are relevant in the community nicely. These issues include conservation of natural resources, inclusiveness/strengthening of inter-community relations, improvement of the local economy involving local and environmentally friendly materials, issues of vulnerable groups, issues of women's organizations, concern for children, sustainable development, education, literacy and character strengthening, knowledge accumulation. The five villages that received the award and attended directly were Maitara Utara Village, Tidore Islands City, North Maluku, Mulyasari Village, Karawang Regency, West Java, Inland Village, Regency Sanggau, West Kalimantan, Tandeallo Village, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi, and Tanjung Mas Village, Aceh Singkil Regency, Aceh. These five villages, their energy and resources come from the village itself. That is our pride," he said. The Director General of Culture, Hilmar Farid, conveyed the active role and collaboration between residents, village officials, and assistance by village power and cultural activists has resulted in a comprehensive program. a program that lasted quite a long time, namely the Village Cultural Advancement program, which led to this award and is a form of recognition of the efforts and struggles of friends for the promotion of culture in their respective villages," he said. Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages and Law Number 5 of 2017 concerning the Advancement of Culture. Both have a passion for exploring the strengths of rural communities. He said that Indonesia was formed from villages, while culture is located in villages, not districts, cities, provinces, or even nationally. "That's the real energy," he said. Indonesia. Therefore, the target of this activity is the community (community) as the subject of cultural advancement as well as village officials. "This is not just an award given at the village level but an award in our efforts to uphold our identity based on the village community," he said.

The purpose of the Village Culture Advancement program is to open access to information, open network access, and open market access for rural communities. This program is also a forum for expression and opening up cultural spaces that have been carried out by many rural communities. The Director of Cultural Development and Utilization, Restu Gunawan, explained that the Village Culture Advancement program in 2021 will be carried out in three stages. The first stage of Discover Potential which takes place in May-June. This event explores and reveals the cultural potential of the village from the point of view of the community or village community as the owner of its culture. The second stage, the development which was carried out from June to August by drafting the concept of developing cultural potential by residents together with village officials and conducting trainings, workshops, webinar, to increase the capacity of village community resources in accordance with the potential of the village to be developed. The third stage, utilization, is held from August to November. This activity takes advantage of cultural potential through concrete actions of citizens to improve the welfare of rural communities through cultural markets, workshops, festivals, and documentary filmmaking. In 2021, the Village Culture Advancement program will be participated in by 359 villages spread across 33 provinces and 193 districts. The mentoring program in its first year captured 3,349 cultural potential data consisting of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, natural and human potentials, as well as various problems faced by 320 villages that have gone through the verification stage by the team. The Village Cultural Advancement Program empowers around 2,000 villages. residents from 270 villages who work together with the village government, accompanied by village resources, namely village cultural assistants and cultural activists to carry out the utilization stage. Not only within the scope of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the joint work platform to build independent villages in the context of advancing village culture continues to be echoed together with various ministries and "Hopefully from the village we can take a lot of inspiration and motivation to build civilization and this program in the future can continue to grow," he said.

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