JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin hopes that the tourism industry sector in Bali will soon recover from January 2022 after being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"By the expectations of entrepreneurs, in January 2022, we hope that Bali tourism will recover", said Vice President Ma'ruf in a statement quoted by Antara, Friday, December 17.

To be able to restore tourism conditions, the Vice President reminded the Bali Provincial Government together with business actors and the entire community to strictly implement health protocols.

In addition, the Vice President also appealed for the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination in all regions in the Province of Bali to be accelerated, to keep the condition of the Island of the Gods back to normal.

"If the central government, regional governments, the Governor (I Wayan Koster), and all the officers here really maintain Bali's conditions so that it can return to normal, then the COVID-19 problem must be handled really", he stressed.

Currently, Bali is mostly visited by domestic tourists due to the conditions imposed by the government on Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) to suppress the spread of COVID-19 cases.

However, the Vice President continued, starting in early 2022 Bali will be able to attract foreign tourists so that Bali's conditions return to normal.

"Right now, it is only domestic tourists, domestic tourists; but in January, when conditions start to return to normal, this is also news to the world that Bali is back to normal", he said.

Vice President Ma'ruf paid a working visit to Bali, Friday, to attend the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) Congress. In addition, the Vice President also reviewed local micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) exhibitions as an effort to restore the national economy.

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