JAKARTA - The police have begun to look at the alleged business motive behind the shooting case of a shipping businessman with the initials S (51) at Ruko Royal Gading Square, North Jakarta. To prove this, the police have examined the victim's family or business partners.

"Examination of the victim's background is very important to direct (motive). Such as the victim's family, business friends and so on. That is an inseparable part," said Director of the Criminal Investigation Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat to reporters, Tuesday. , August 18th.

However, Tubagus, was reluctant to explain the results of the examination of the people closest to the victim. The reason is that the investigation process is still ongoing and has not yet found solid evidence about this allegation.

So far, in an effort to disclose, investigators have continued to collect existing evidence and information. This includes exploring CCTV footage to find out the identity of the shooter.

"CCTV is all still under investigation. Later it will still be a joint (North Jakarta Metro Police and Polda Metro Jaya)," he said.

Previously, a shipping businessman with the initials S (51) was shot dead by an unknown person at Ruko Royal Gading Square on Thursday, August 13. Based on the results of the investigation while suffering gunshot wounds five times.

Four shots aimed at the perpetrator were lodged in the head and chest. Meanwhile, one shot pierced the victim's body. Until now, the police are still looking for information about the identity of the perpetrators.

As a result of the interim investigation, the police succeeded in sketching the faces and characteristics of the perpetrators. For the alleged perpetrator who acts as the executor has a thin stature and is estimated to be 35 years old. When in action, his face could not be seen because he was wearing a mask and hat.

Then, for the second suspect who played the role of waiting and supervising the situation had physical characteristics of being fat and with curly hair. In addition, the alleged perpetrator is also estimated to be 45 years old.

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