JAKARTA - The General Criminal Unit (Krimum) of the West Jakarta Metro Police conducted a crime scene (TKP) for the theft that occurred at the As Syifa Mosque, at one of the hospitals in Palmerah, West Jakarta.
The crime scene was carried out following the viral video of the theft of the patient's family at the hospital.
"We followed up on the video, and the team immediately processed the scene," said West Jakarta Metro Police Head of Criminal Investigation, Kompol Joko Dwi Harsono, when confirmed, Friday, December 17.
On the other hand, the West Jakarta Metro Police Crime Head AKP Avrilendy together with the Head of the Jatanras Sub-unit led the investigation of the crime scene at the scene.
"There was an incident of theft experienced by the victim who happened to be resting waiting for his family who was being treated at this hospital," said AKP Avrilendy.
After seeing the CCTV footage, Avril said that one person involved in the theft.
"From the CCTV footage that we saw, one person was the sole perpetrator who took the item," said Avrilendy.
As a result of this theft, the victim lost cash worth Rp. 8 million, 1 unit of cellphone, wallet, and motorbike keys. The cash was prepared by the family to pay for medical expenses. The police have also checked and summoned hospital security officers for questioning. Currently, the police are looking for the perpetrators of the theft.
Previously, it was reported that there was a viral video of the theft of the patient's family who was sleeping in a prayer room at a hospital in the Palmerah area, West Jakarta.
Based on CCTV footage, it was clear that the perpetrator took the object he was after. The perpetrator secretly approached the victim who was sleeping.
Then, not long after, the perpetrators from above took a bag containing money, cellphones and other valuables. The money taken is planned to be used for medical expenses for the family who is being treated.
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