JAYAPURA - The Head of the Bintang Mountains Police, Papua, AKBP Cahyo Sukarnito confirmed that the perpetrators of the school building burning that occurred in his area were carried out by an armed criminal group (KKB).

The perpetrators were not from a group of political opponents like those circulating in the community because it was reinforced by a statement from the Ngalum Kupel KKB stating that they were responsible for the arson.

"From the results of the investigation carried out by the police, we confirm that the perpetrators of school fires in various areas in the Bintang Mountains Regency were carried out by KKB, which is a subordinate of Lamek Tablo", he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 16.

He admitted that from the reports received, the group had several weapons which were thought to have come from the wreckage of a TNI helicopter that crashed on June 28, 2019, in the Mandala Mountains area, Oksop District, Bintang Mountains Regency.

In addition, KKB has homemade weapons but it is not clear how many there are.

He deeply regrets the KKB burning schools and other public facilities because they have an impact on children's education and health services.

"Hopefully there will be no more cases of burning schools or other public facilities so that children can go to school and people who are sick get treatment", he hoped.

Cahyo said conditions in the Bintang Mountains are currently relatively conducive. But members remain alert.

"Currently, Kamtibmas is relatively safe, conducive, and well-maintained", said the Chief of Police.

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