PEKANBARU - The Riau Regional Police (Polda) confiscated more than IDR 1.76 billion from the sale of methamphetamine from two perpetrators who are international drug syndicates.

Police arrested Said as a courier who received 30 packages of methamphetamine and Khairul was an accomplice to 'Debus' as a meth supplier from Malaysia.

"The money from selling the crystal methamphetamine was secured by officers at Khairul's house during a search," Riau Police Chief Inspector General Agung Setia Imam Effendi told reporters in Pekanbaru, Wednesday, December 15.

Riau Police Chief Agung said that the disclosure of the case of the circulation of illicit goods began when the Dumai Police arrested Said, along with 8 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine some time ago.

Based on the development of the investigation, he said, Said admitted that he initially received 30 kg of crystal methamphetamine, and another 22 kg had been sold in Jambi Province.

"So it is known that the Rp 1.76 billion money was the result of selling tens of kilograms of methamphetamine," said the Riau Police Chief.

Based on Khairul's statement, the billions will be handed over to 'Debus' who is planning to use it to hire a lawyer. Because his two younger siblings had previously been arrested by the Riau Police.

This money will be used by 'Debus' to hire a lawyer, because his two younger siblings have been arrested before. The suspects are threatened with 10 years in prison, according to Article 137 of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics.

From this case, the Kapolda explained, his party revealed that transactions from dealers, controllers and dealers could be mapped out in this case.

"We will take law enforcement on financial transactions resulting from drugs more seriously," he said.

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