MAKASSAR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi, reported that the number of residents affected by the earthquake was centered in Larantuka, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), with a magnitude of 7.4 to 5,511 families (KK) spread over two sub-districts.
"In the interim report, there are two areas that were severely affected, namely in Pasilambena and Pasimarannu sub-districts. Currently, residents are still at evacuation points", said Selayar BPBD Head, Ahmad Ansar, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 15.
The number of affected residents in Pasarimarannu District was 3,353 families and in Pasilambena District there were 2,158 families with a total of 5,511 families.
Meanwhile, the number of displaced persons affected by the post-earthquake which occurred on Tuesday, December 14, was recorded in Pasimarannu District as many as 3,900 people. For Pasilambena Sub-district, he said, there is currently no real data because it is still being collected.
"There is (Pasilambena Sub-district), but the actual data has not been obtained. We have contacted and there is no real data on those who have fled. In Pasimarannu there are 17 refugee points", said Ansar.
Currently, there are still two areas where the communication network is cut off, namely in Garopa Village and Garopa Raya.
"There are 37 refugee points in Pasilambena, only the real data for refugees at the refugee points is that we have not received it, because there are still two villages whose network has been cut off", he explained.
So far, the Selayar BPBD has continued to coordinate and communicate with related parties in terms of disaster management, especially since Selayar has been assigned a disaster emergency response status.
Meanwhile, the Head of the South Sulawesi Basarnas, Djunaidi, has sent personnel assistance to assist the SAR team and the affected communities in the evacuation process.
"Additional personnel have been sent to help the team there. Basarnas is always ready to assist victims affected by the disaster", he emphasized.
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