JAKARTA - The Directorate of Drug Investigation (Ditresnarkoba) of the Banten Police carried out the destruction of evidence of narcotics of the type of methamphetamine weighing 270.22 grams in the hall of the Banten Police's Narcotics Directorate.

The destruction of this evidence was carried out by the KBO Ditresnarkoba Polda Banten AKBP Zaenal Arifin accompanied by the Pandeglang District Court Djoko Santoso, the Pandeglang Kejari, the Banten Province National Narcotics Agency (BNN), the Serang Food and Drug Administration (BBPOM), and the Anti-Drug Youth Forum (Forpan). ) Banten.

"Today we destroyed evidence of narcotics of methamphetamine weighing 270.22 grams, the destruction process begins with testing the evidence to ensure that the evidence to be destroyed is really the type of methamphetamine by the Banten BNNP. After that, the evidence is put into a blender. containing boiling water. After everything is destroyed, it is then thrown away," said the Director of Drugs at the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Martri Sonny, through a statement received on Wednesday, December 15.

Martri said that the destruction of this evidence resulted from the arrest of 2 suspects last week.

"This destruction resulted from the disclosure of narcotics cases by securing 2 suspects, namely H (34) and TH (32) who were secured at the suspect's house, Cadasari District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten," said Martri Sonny.

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