BANDUNG - The Acting Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, has ensured that he will realize the dreams and political promises of the late Mayor of Bandung for the 2018-2023 period, Oded M Danial, who died some time ago.

To that end, he immediately gathered and coordinated all Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) to carry out internal consolidation in order to fulfill political promises that were delayed in the 21 months remaining in his term of office.

"Alhamdulillah, on the first day we carried out internal consolidation. Let's together realize the dreams of the deceased that have not been realized," said Yana in Bandung, West Java, Monday, December 13.

Even though she is still in an atmosphere of mourning, Yana also reminded that public services must continue to run excellently and must be getting better so that the benefits can be felt more and more for the community.

The coordination meeting was also attended by the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil. For Yana, Ridwan Kamil's presence is an additional motivation to improve the bureaucracy.

"This includes giving directions, especially encouragement for all of us to fulfill the promises of the deceased," said Yana. Meanwhile, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil admitted that he still feels the loss of the figure of Oded who was with him when he served as Mayor of Bandung for the 2013-2018 period. At that time, Oded was still the Deputy Mayor of Bandung.

"Mang Oded was with me for six years, a year of struggle together and 5 years when he was mayor. It was a loss of inner and outer life," said Ridwan Kamil.

Previously, Oded was declared dead of a heart attack. Oded collapsed while attending Friday prayers at the Mujahideen Mosque, Jalan Sancang, Friday, December 10.

After collapsing, Oded was immediately rushed to the Muhammadiyah Hospital. But when he arrived at the hospital, Oded had already been declared dead.

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