PONTIANAK - Head of the Manpower and Transmigration Office of West Kalimantan Province, Manto said the Governor of West Kalimantan had issued a circular letter as an appeal for companies to help vulnerable workers enter the BPJamsostek program.

"The circular containing the appeal encourages companies that through CSR or social responsibility they can protect vulnerable workers outside or in the company's area to be included in the BPJamsostek program," he said in Pontianak, Saturday.

He explained that the vulnerable workers referred to are workers whose daily lives still need attention and protection. So far, it has not been included in the social protection program, especially in BPJamsostek.

"The existence of this program certainly does not intend to increase the number of CSR, but some direct the existing ones for the protection of vulnerable workers around the company. For example, workers in places of worship, Koran teachers, including fishermen or farmers and others," he said.

Companies in West Kalimantan are certainly capable. Moreover, in the BPJamsostek program, the premium for Work Accident Insurance and Death Security per month is only 16,800 per person.

"The value of protection is only under Rp. 20,000. For smokers, the figure is certainly much smaller. If this is used to help vulnerable workers, it is certainly very useful and meaningful," he said.

Regarding BPJamsostek Pontianak Branch, his party appreciates it for continuing to make efforts so that workers in West Kalimantan are protected through social security programs according to their duties and functions.

"We appreciate BPJamsostek who continue to work to protect our workers," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Corporate and Institutional Participation Division as well as PPS Head of the Pontianak Employment BPJS Branch Office, Abdul Shoheh welcomed the circular letter from the Governor of West Kalimantan and according to him it was very good to increase and expand participation in BPJamsostek.

"We welcome and will certainly provide the best service for companies that will target vulnerable workers to register them for the BPJamsostek program," he said.

Currently, there are three companies that have implemented the circular letter from the Governor of West Kalimantan, namely Hok Tong, Trimedika Djaya Hospital and Indomarco.

"Although the circular was delivered at the end of November 2021 and is currently being socialized by the government and us, there has been a quick move to protect vulnerable workers. Of the three companies, around 500 vulnerable workers have been protected. Hope to be an example for other companies in providing protection," he said. .

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