West Sumatra - The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of West Sumatra through the Agam Resort has yet to find new traces of the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) in Maua Hilia, Jorong Kayu Pasak Timur, Nagari Salareh Aia, Palembayan District.

For the past three days (December 7-9) officers have been busy blocking the movement of tigers. "We also have not received any reports from local residents regarding the new tiger tracks," said Head of the Agam KSDA Resort Ade Putra, in Lubukbasung, Antara, Thursday, December 9.

In addition, the camera trap installed at the location of Doni's cow (18), which was chased by the tiger, also did not get a visual image of the tiger. Ade predicts that the tiger has been in a protected forest area with a distance of 450 meters, due to the tiger's footprints leading to the area's location.

"It is possible that the tiger is already in the protected forest area, because the tiger's footprints are heading towards the area," he said.

He added that the Agam KSDA Resort Team has been handling human-tiger conflicts since Tuesday, December 7 after five cows belonging to Doni (18) and Zara (35) were chased by tigers. The handling includes the installation of camera traps, identification of traces, and dispelling.

"We are increasing the intensity of tiger repelling at night and during the day," he said.

Previously, the Agam KSDA Team had handled the human-tiger conflict by installing two camera traps at the location of two cows belonging to Rano (38), which were eaten by tigers.

After that, the Agam KSDA Resort Team and the local community carried out tiger repelling at night.

"After being driven away for three days, the animals have headed to the protected forest area of Agam, which borders Pasaman," he said again.

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