JAKARTA - President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal, President of the Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI) Andi Gani, along with a number of representatives of labor groups visited the Constitutional Court (MK) building.

Said Iqbal said this during a demonstration in front of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta. They brought a letter asking for an explanation from the Constitutional Court Judge regarding the conditional unconstitutional job creation law decision.

"We ask for an explanation as to what the Constitutional Court meant by ruling number 4 and ruling number 7," said Iqbal before heading to the Constitutional Court building, Wednesday, December 8.

It is known, in the decision in the main application point 4, it is written that the Job Creation Law is still valid until the formation is corrected in accordance with the grace period specified in this decision.

Furthermore, in its decision point 7, the Constitutional Court stated to suspend all strategic and broad-impact actions/policies, and it was not permissible to issue new implementing regulations related to the Job Creation Law.

Then, the labor group also wants to ask the Constitutional Court whether Government Regulation Number 36 of 2021 is included in the ruling number 7, in which actions or policies that can have a wide impact are asked to be suspended.

Labor demonstrations at the Horse Statue area in Central Jakarta/PHOTO: Diah Ayu-VOI

As is known, PP No. 36 of 2021 is one of the bases for determining the minimum wage in 2022 in all regions. Where, the determination of the minimum wage this time is considered too low for workers.

"In the decision of the Constitutional Court number 7, the Constitutional Court stated that it was suspending strategic and broad-impact actions/policies. Article 4 paragraph 2 of PP number 36 2021 states that wages are a strategic policy. Thus, we want to ask the honorable Constitutional Court. Can the Constitutional Court provide an explanation? ? give us an explanation that PP No. 36 is still suspended?” said Iqbal.

For information, the workers held a massive action today. They will make two demands. Initially, the action plan was held in front of the Constitutional Court Building demanding an explanation from the Constitutional Court for the decision on the lawsuit against Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation which was declared conditionally unconstitutional.

Then, the action was continued in front of the DKI City Hall to collect Governor Anies Baswedan's promise to revise the DKI provincial minimum wage (UMP) in 2022. This is because Anies promised to revise the governor's decree (SK) related to the UMP on the basis of justice.

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