BANDA ACEH - Personnel from the Directorate of Drug Investigation at the Aceh Police, the East Aceh Police, together with Customs and Excise thwarted the circulation of methamphetamine, weighing up to 133 kilograms.

Aceh Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Haydar said the drug trafficking was an international network. The drugs will be distributed to a number of provinces in Indonesia.

"In disclosing the shabu-shabu distribution, the police arrested a suspected perpetrator. The alleged perpetrator is an Indonesian-Malaysian drug network," said Inspector General Ahmad Haydar, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 6.

The Regional Police Chief said that the disclosure of the drug trafficking started from public information. From this information, officers investigated and found a car parked at the house of the man with the initial B in Gampong Lhol Dalam, East Aceh Regency.

"Officers then arrested B and searched the car and found three burlap sacks of flour containing 60 packages. The packages contained methamphetamine weighing up to 60 kilograms," he said.

Based on the results of the examination of B, officers found four burlap sacks containing 73 packs of crystal methamphetamine weighing 73 kilograms. The prohibited items were included in a package of Chinese tea brand Guanyinwang.

To the officers, perpetrator B admitted that the 133 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine did not belong to him. He was told to keep the prohibited items by someone with the initials C. Now, C has been included in the wanted list or DPO.

Apart from C, the police also included another suspect with the initials F in the DPO. As for the evidence that was secured, apart from 133 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, officers also secured a car, said the Kapolda.

The Aceh Police Chief said the alleged perpetrator was charged with Article 114 Paragraph (2), Article 112 Paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics. The minimum sentence is five years in prison, the maximum is 20 years, and the heaviest is the death penalty.

"By disclosing the circulation of 133 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, it can save more than 666 thousand lives of the nation's children. In the market, the price of 133 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine reaches Rp. 150 billion," said Inspector General Ahmad Haydar.

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