JAKARTA - Academician who is also a clinical practitioner from the University of Indonesia Prof Ari F Syam said volcanic ash from Mount Semeru in East Java can cause respiratory infections.

"The effects of inhalation of dust can also appear two weeks after the dust persists in our respiratory system, causing infections in the lower respiratory tract," said Ari in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, December 6.

He added that if the silica content continues to persist in the lungs in the long term, it will cause silicosis, a condition that ultimately makes lung function decline.

The dust can directly cause health problems in the eyes, skin and respiratory tract.

"The current fact is that volcanic ash will sting the eyes and cause respiratory problems in the form of coughing and shortness of breath. It also causes itching on the skin if we are exposed to this volcanic ash. Volcanic dust has caused roads in several cities around Semeru it became slippery and muddy after the rain came and caused several accidents,” he explained.

He added that questions about the impact of dust must be answered, as well as health surveys and continuous observations in hospitals and refugee camps regarding cases of disease found.

So far, the death toll has reached 13 people and most of the injured are due to burns, due to hot dust from the eruption of Mount Semeru.

“The health problems of the refugees have to be identified so that appropriate steps have to be taken. Health problems that arise around refugees are physical and psychological disorders. Limited refugee conditions such as limited adequate beds, clean water facilities, especially for bathing, washing and latrines that are limited will clearly have an impact on the health of the refugees," he explained.

In addition, the psyche of the refugees will also be disturbed, because there are factors that can trigger stress for the refugees. Therefore, further efforts are needed to overcome the problems that arise due to the impact of the volcanic eruption.

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