JAKARTA - The need for clean and environmentally friendly energy continues to increase in line with climate change. This need encourages the transformation of the second energy system that will occur massively in the next five to 10 years.

Deputy Minister of BUMN Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that this second energy system change was also a challenge for two state-owned companies engaged in the energy sector, namely PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT PLN (Persero).

"Mining companies, oil will change a lot. I told Pertamina what would happen if, for example, a combustion engine car, a car from the energy transition of the first era turned into an electric car. 65 percent of Pertamina's income from gasoline would be very bad. "he said, in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, August 12.

Not only Pertamina, said Budi, this condition will also occur at PLN. Budi said, most of PLN's power plants use coal. According to him, later on, coal will become a raw material that is difficult and expensive to use.

"But I also told PLN what would happen to them? Because most of PLN's power plants come from coal, which later will become more expensive, more difficult and more hostile. It will be more negative for industries that want to buy. energy from PLN, "he said.

According to Budi, this condition should not be underestimated or taken lightly. He emphasized that a number of steps need to be taken by the two state-owned companies in order to survive when the second energy change occurs.

"We need to change the system, we need to change the generating strategy from carbon base to renewable base. We have to think that renewable power plants are not available 24 hours by 7 days. We have to think about temporary storage," he said.

Budi said that the transformation of the second energy system would also change the distribution of energy itself. Initially the community got it by providing it by the company, but later the community could build it themselves.

"Then the distribution will also change because people will build solar cells in their own homes. Changes in the energy system in the next 5-10 years will be very massive, just as the first energy change created many losers. companies that build steamships, "he explained.

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