MALANG - The eruption of Mount Semeru, Lumajang, East Java, has affected a number of areas. It was reported that the ash from the eruption of Mount Semeru also occurred in Malang Regency.

Head of Emergency BPBD Malang Regency Sadono Irawan said there were 6 areas in Malang Regency that were affected by volcanic ash rain. These include the areas of Ampelgading, Tirtoyudo, Wajak, Poncokusumo, Gondanglegi and Jabung.

"As reported, there was rain of ash mixed with rainwater. The worst is the location farthest from Mount Semeru in the City/District area," Sadono told reporters, Saturday, December 4.

BPBD Malang is still on standby. Currently, the impact of Mount Semeru's eruption is most severe in Lumajang Regency, precisely in Besuk Kobokan Hamlet and Kajar Kuning Hamlet.

“There the sky was pitch black because hot clouds mixed with rainwater. The electricity is also out," said Head of Emergency and Preparedness of the Lumajang BPBD, Wawan Hadi separately.

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