Transjakarta Will Add CCTV Around Bus Stops And Cabins
Transjakarta bus accident in front of Ratu Plaza Sudirman/Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Following five accidents over the past 40 days, the DKI Jakarta Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD), PT Transport Jakarta (TransJakarta) will add 10 percent of surveillance cameras (CCTV) to monitor traffic and passenger activities at 222 bus stops.

As stated by the President Director of TransJakarta, Mochammad Yana Aditya, each bus stop will be equipped with four to eight CCTV units.

"In our 2022 plan, we will add 10 percent of CCTV," Yana said, quoted on Saturday, December 4.

Yana continued, the number of CCTV in the bus stop area does not include surveillance cameras which are also in the bus cabin to monitor the driver's performance and passenger activities. All CCTV at the transit stop (BRT) and in the bus cabin, are directly connected to the TransJakarta Command Center Building or the Operating Command Center (TJOCC).

From the command center, his party can find out if a driver acts recklessly or exceeds speed.

"Every time you exceed the speed there is a warning so you don't exceed the speed. This requires discipline from both the driver and us to monitor the circulation of the buses," said Aditya.

Every day, Aditya said, around 3,500 bus fleets serve TransJakarta operations with a total number of drivers reaching around 8,000 people.

The maximum speed is up to 50 kilometers per hour.

He admitted that during the monitoring, several drivers were still speeding or exceeding the speed of 50 km per hour.

"Some findings are still above that (above 50 km per hour) we will take some action after this," said Aditya.

However, specifically for a series of accidents, his party has not been able to reveal the findings related to speed because it is currently being handled by the police, who are more authorized to announce investigations.

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