JAKARTA - The Chief of Army Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman went directly to secure a limited area around the State Palace and Monas in anticipation of the 212 reunion on Thursday, December 2, today.

"Today I saw the condition of the troops, especially the army, in readiness to anticipate the 212 reunion. I only saw the conditions on the ground and supported the duties of the TNI Headquarters," he told reporters at the Monas area, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 2.

General TNI Dudung said that the TNI and Polri soldiers who carried out security were ready to anticipate the 212 reunion.

"Hopefully we hope that our brothers and sisters don't take action either. Because there is no permit," he said.

As previously reported, joint officers dispersed dozens of masses of the 212 reunion that were crowding the partitions on Jalan Kebon Sirih and Jalan H. Agus Salim, Central Jakarta. The mob forced their way in but was chased away by officers who had been on standby since Wednesday, December 1, night.

The Director of Binmas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Badya Wijaya accompanied by the Head of Ops of the Central Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Guntur Muhammad Tariq carried out the disbandment because it was considered to have caused a crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, all of us who we respect, we ask that you do not gather here. Return to your respective homes, please. Once again, ladies and gentlemen, not to gather. Okay, let's take pictures first," said Kombes Pol. Badya on Jalan Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Thursday, December 2.

The crowd chose to gather in the barricade area because the Horse Statue Roundabout and Monas were closed or sterile from vehicles and crowds.

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