JAKARTA - The flow of vehicles in the traffic engineering area around the National Monument (Monas), Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 2 morning around 05.30 WIB until 06.00 WIB was still busy smoothly. Antara monitoring in the Monas area stated that the traffic situation from Jalan Sabang to Jalan Kebon Sirih was monitored smoothly. There was no visible crowd of Reunion 212 crowds around the area so that vehicles could still pass smoothly. Likewise from Tugu Tani and around the area. Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur was also monitored smoothly and no crowd of Reunion 212 mass was seen.

Three pillars officers namely Police, TNI and Satpol PP are on guard around the Monas area and the Horse Statue. Barricades in the form of barbed wire and orange road dividers have also been installed at every entry point towards Monas. Previously, officers had installed barricades at 24.00 WIB Thursday morning until scheduled at 21.00 WIB this Thursday. Road closures in the Monas and Horse Statue areas include Merdeka Selatan Street, Merdeka Utara Street, Merdeka Barat Street, Budi Kemuliaan Street, Veteran Street and Museum Street. Traffic starting from Jalan Thamrin towards the Horse Statue Roundabout is turned left or right towards Jalan Kebon Sirih. Then, vehicles from Jalan Abdul Muis go straight to Harmoni because Jalan Budi Kemuliaan and Jalan Museum are closed. Vehicles from the Tugu Tani direction go straight to Jalan Merdeka Selatan and Merdeka Utara were diverted to Jalan Ridwan Rais-Jalan Merdeka Timur or the one leading to the Church of K Atedral or Istiqlal Mosque. Meanwhile, the path from Harmoni is diverted to Jalan Juanda and from the west, namely Tomang, it is straightened or turned left towards Kota Tua. By: Dewa Ketut Sudiarta Wiguna

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