MEDAN - A refugee from Afghanistan in the city of Medan who attempted suicide by burning his body is now being referred to Adam Malik Hospital. The refugee named Ahmad Shah (22) suffered severe burns.

"It was referred yesterday, Tuesday afternoon, November 30, 2021, at around 14.00 WIB", said Public Relations of Adam Malik General Hospital, Rosario Dorothy Simanjuntak, Wednesday, December 1.

Regarding the medical treatment that will be given to the refugees, Rosario did not explain. Because it relates to the status of refugees under the supervision of UNHCR.

"Look, he is a refugee. There is an organization to protect him, for now. We are coordinating with the organization. The mechanism for conveying information is related to this patient", said Rosario.

She also refused to explain the current condition of the refugees.

"I can't answer the handling and other things. I can only answer that the patient in Adam Malik has been referred from Siloam Hospital", said Rosario.

It was previously reported that a refugee named Ahmad Sah set himself on fire in front of the Forum Nine Office Building on Imam Bonjol Street, Medan City, Tuesday, November 30.

Refugee coordinator in the city of Medan, Afghanistan, Muhammad Juma Mose, explained that his fellow refugees seeking asylum were suspected of having depression. He burned his body.

"75 percent burns, now being treated at a Siloam hospital. He (Ahmad Shah) has depression or a mental disorder", Juma told reporters at the scene.

Juma said that before the incident, he and other refugees tried to prevent Ahmadsyah from setting himself on fire. Then, persuade the victim not to do that.

"He has doused himself with gasoline. He is also holding a matchstick in his right and left hands", said Juma.

Juma explained that the self-immolation was a form of frustration faced by Ahmad Shah, including the Afghan refugee. Because, until now they have not been sent to third countries.

"The victim went back and forth asking IOM and UNHCR to pay attention. But they didn't pay attention. Finally, he decided to set himself on fire. His body was badly burned left and right", said Juma.

Juma said the fire on Ahmad Shah's body had been extinguished by the security of the Forum Nine building. Then, the victim was evacuated to Siloam Hospital which is right in front of the building.

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