JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Multipurpose Ansor Front (Banser) held an assembly of the first standby troops to secure the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board on Jalan Kramat Raya, Central Jakarta, related to the 34th Congress.

The Commander of the Jakarta Banser, Abdul Mufid, said in a statement that the security of the PBNU Office will take place from November 29 until the congress is held on December 17.

Mufid said the security was to provide comfort for the committee, Rais Aam and the kiai who were present at the congress.

"We will always be on standby in order to secure the ulama and Rois Aam, because maintaining the dignity of Nahdlatul Ulama is the main task and function of Banser," said Mufid.

Mufid emphasized that Banser was at the forefront of carrying out the task of guarding the NU "big house" from the group's attempts to destroy the oldest Islamic organization.

Mufid said, Banser DKI Jakarta alerted 1,000 members from all Sakorcab Jakarta to secure the PBNU Building for 24 hours.

The Jakarta Banser Commander appealed to certain groups to stop provoking efforts that had a bad impact on NU's image.

"Stop all provocations, especially for those who want to bring down the dignity of NU scholars and kiai, especially Rais Aam, KH Miftahul Akhyar as NU's highest authority," said Mufid.

Mufid also revealed that the ranks of the DKI Banser had consolidated and refreshed the commanders of all Banser from the provincial to the sub-district level to be ready to carry out orders from the General Chairperson of GP Ansor and Rois Aam PBNU.

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