JAKARTA – After going through the investigation process, the Tangerang Metro Police finally named five suspects related to the clash between the Pancasila Youth Organization (PP) and the Betawi Rempug Forum (FBR) on Jalan Raden Fatah, Ciledug, Friday, November 19, evening.

"For the time being, we have named five suspects as suspects," said the Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Deonijiu De Fatima, Sunday, November 28.

However, the identities and roles of the five suspects have not been clearly explained. Deonijiu confirmed that the suspects were members of the PP Ormas.

"We are processing it further. All from PP," said Deonijiu.

Furthermore, the officers have also pocketed a number of names from the FBR. Investigators, said Deonijiu, have obtained the identities of six members who are most likely suspects in the clash case.

"So far we have obtained the names of the FBR, we just need to conduct an investigation and search. We have five to six people who have been named," said Deonijiu.

The police previously arrested five people from the two mass organizations involved in clashes in the Lembang Market area, Jalan Raden Fatah, Ciledug, Friday, November 19. And the possibility of the suspects can increase or decrease because not everyone is involved.

From these arrests, investigators secured a number of evidences, one of which was a sharp weapon allegedly carried by members of an mass organization to injure opponents during clashes.

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