JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police continues to investigate cases of abuse by members of the National Police while guarding a demonstration by Pemuda Pancasila (PP) in the MPR-DRP Building area. In fact, it feels 'hard' in the handling process.

The harsh context, in this case, is assertiveness. Where the police in a short time immediately named 16 suspects in the series of cases.

One Abuse Suspect

Of the dozens of people who were named as suspects, one of them was involved in the abuse case against AKBP Dermawan Karosekali.

The Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes E. Zulpan, said that the suspect in this persecution had the initials RC. The determination of the suspect was based on the results of the examination and sufficient evidence.

"(One) has been named a suspect", said Zulpan when confirmed, Friday, November 26.

Zulpan said that with the determination of the suspect, RC was suspected under Article 170 of the Criminal Code. In addition, cases of abuse against police officers are still being developed.

Thus, the number of suspects in the assault case will continue to increase.

Investigators, he said, are still gathering evidence and statements from witnesses. "It's only a matter of how he (the suspect) will explain if he explains that a friend of his has hit him", said Zulpan.

Meanwhile, in the case of carrying sharp weapons in a demonstration that ended in chaos, the police have named 15 members of Pemuda Pancasila (PP).

"15 (PP members became suspects) brought a knife", said Zulpan.

Action Coordinator Ultimatum

Not only in determining the suspect but the police's 'hard' attitude was also seen when demanding accountability from the field coordinator for the demonstration that led to chaos.

This can be seen during the process of calling the corps. Because, if the field coordinator is not present in the summons schedule, the police will forcibly pick him up.

"The Metro Police will call him if he is not present, we will pick him up forcibly", said Zulpan.

Originally, the police had scheduled an examination of the Pemuda Pancasila field coordinator. But no details about the time of the examination.

"We will call as soon as investigators have scheduled it", said Zulpan.

The field coordinator, said Zulpan, was asked to be held accountable because he was the one who asked the police for permission for the crowd.

"Our person in charge will ask for accountability from the field coordinator who asked for permission for the activity", he said.

Pemuda Pancasila Response

With a series of arrests and the determination of suspects by the police, the Pemuda Pancasila organization also responded.

The head of PP's Legal Counseling and Defending Agency (BPPH), Razman Arif Nasution, stated that his party would help find the perpetrator of the persecution.

In fact, it has been ordered directly by the General Chairperson of the National Leadership Council (MPN) Pemuda Pancasila, Japto Soelistyo Soerjosoemarno.

"Pak Ketum immediately ordered me to find out who the culprit was", said Razman.

Razman emphasized that PP organizations prohibit unlawful acts. Therefore, as a responsibility, Pemuda Pancasila organizations will help find the perpetrators of the persecution.

"We have never and are prohibited from carrying out mistreatment of civil servants or state apparatus in uniform. Let alone uniforms, the ordinary ones are not allowed", said Razman.

"We are looking for the perpetrators together because PP does not tolerate violence", he continued.

If later the Pemuda Pancasila mass organizations find the perpetrators of the persecution, they will immediately be handed over to the police. This is also a direct order from Japto Soelistyo.

"If they find Pemuda Pancasila, they will hand it over immediately if found. Because that's an order from the general chairman", he said.

For information, the Pemuda Pancasila organization on Thursday, November 25 held a demonstration related to member of the House of Representatives Commission II, Junimart Girsang. They urged Junimart to apologize for the statements about mass organizations that were often involved in clashes.

However, even then the demo ended in chaos. In fact, as a result of the riot, a police officer was injured because he was abused by Pemuda Pancasila members.

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