MEDAN - Police arrested an online taxi driver in Medan City with the initials NLT (27). The perpetrator was arrested after robbing his passenger, Graciella Chandra (23).

Deputy Chief of Police of Medan AKBP Irsan Sinuhaji said the robbery incident occurred Monday, November 22, at noon. The victim was held captive and managed to escape after jumping from the car.

Initially, the victim ordered an online taxi from Medan Polonia District to one of the malls in Medan City. On the way, the NLT suspect suddenly approached the victim and strangled him.

"Suddenly, the perpetrator strangled the victim, with the intention of immobilizing him. After the victim was paralyzed," said AKBP Irsan at the Medan Polrestabes, Friday, November 26.

The victim was tied to the back seat, and his mouth was gagged. The suspect then asked for the victim's valuables and his ATM pin. There were also items that were taken with Rp. 300,000 and cellphone belonging to the victim.

"After the perpetrator took control of the victim's belongings, the victim was taken to the Patumbak sub-district," said AKBP Irsan.

On the way the victim managed to escape by jumping from the car. Because of the jump, the victim was injured.

"The wound was around the neck, the second knee had a scratch, because the victim jumped from his fast-paced vehicle while walking," continued AKBP Irsan.

The victim was then assisted by the community to make a report to the Patumbak Police. During the investigation, the police arrested the perpetrator.

"Initially the perpetrator did not admit what he had done, but when he was searched in the vehicle, a hair clip and hair clip were found that belonged to the victim," said AKBP Irsan.

Based on the available evidence, the perpetrator could not dodge until he finally admitted his actions. The perpetrator was taken to the Patumbak Police.

When interrogated, the perpetrator admitted that he had just robbed. He did the action, because he was interested in seeing the victim's cellphone.

"(I robbed) Because I saw from the beginning the cellphone owned by the victim," said the perpetrator.

"The money plan is to sell the cellphone, for economic needs," continued the perpetrator who was charged by the police with Article 365 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

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