SUKABUMI - The Sukabumi Police Team, West Java, is hunting for a gang that is increasingly troubling because it often causes trouble so that some residents become victims of persecution.

"We have instructed all Polri personnel, both those who work in the Police and the Sector, to hunt down members of motorcycle gangs whose actions are disturbing," said Sukabumi City Police Chief, AKBP SY Zainal Abidin, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 25.

According to Zainal, his party is currently primarily hunting down members of motorcycle gangs who are involved in various crimes ranging from assault, vandalism to mistreatment of residents, some of whose victims were stabbed with sharp weapons.

In addition, to narrow the space for motorized delinquents so as not to cause trouble in the community again, his party has also mobilized its personnel to increase patrols to various locations commonly used by motorcycle gang members to gather and other suspected places.

This step is taken to narrow the space for the street thugs and is a security measure for residents who live in the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi Police.

"There is no tolerance for motorized delinquents who carry out criminal acts, we make sure the perpetrators will be dealt with firmly and snared with punishments in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to provide a deterrent effect," he added.

Zainal said that from the results of mapping areas prone to motorized delinquents, there were several locations that the gang members often passed by and gathered, one of which was the Sukabumi South Ring Line.

In those vulnerable areas, his party instructed his staff to conduct daily sweeps and if there were reports from the public regarding the presence or actions of motorized delinquents, they should be followed up quickly.

On the other hand, he appealed to residents to play a role in anticipating the occurrence of street crimes committed by motorized gangs by reporting to the nearest security officer.

Meanwhile, information obtained from residents and from social media on the actions of motorized delinquents in Sukabumi is increasingly troubling because in every action, whether convoy, kopdar or carrying out attacks, they always carry various types of sharp weapons.

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