JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction, Mardani Ali Sera, respects the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which continues to synchronize the general election (Pemilu). However, Mardani personally admitted that he was disappointed with the decision. Because previously, the Constitutional Court was asked to consider efforts to organize the general election system (elections) in Indonesia, especially related to simultaneousness. The Constitutional Court actually rejected the application for judicial review of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.

In fact, according to Mardani, organizing the electoral system, especially related to simultaneousness, is an important thing. The reason is, a lot of the quality of the election administration has been sacrificed so far.

"I personally hope that in making a decision, the Constitutional Court should take into account the importance of structuring the electoral system, especially simultaneously. Considering that there are many qualities that have been sacrificed," said Mardani, Thursday, November 25.

For example, continued Mardani, in the 2019 election the focus was only on holding the presidential election (pilpres). In addition, holding elections for legislative members at the central, provincial, and city district levels, as well as the president and regional heads simultaneously also has the potential to cause burdens beyond human dignity. "Especially for election organizers who are on duty on voting day at polling stations," he explained.

The chairman of the PKS DPP can only hope that the events of many election organizers who died after voting day as happened in the 2019 Election will not be repeated in the upcoming 2024 Election.

"Supposedly, the humanitarian tragedy of many victims of the election organizers became part of the consideration in giving the verdict," said Mardani. Previously, the Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the application for judicial review of the Election Law submitted by four former KPPS officers for the 2019 Election.

The Court rejected all of the petitioners' claims. The Court stated that article 167 paragraph (3) and article 347 paragraph (1) of the Election Law were in accordance with the constitutional mandate. Therefore, the Constitutional Court considers the argument from the applicant to be unreasonable according to the law in its entirety.

"Reject the applicant's application in its entirety," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court and Chair of the Panel of Judges Anwar Usman in a virtual session, Wednesday, November 24.

With this decision, simultaneous elections will continue as applied in the 2019 Election. The elections for the president, DPR members, DPD members, provincial DPRD members, and district/city DPRD members are held at the same time.

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