YOGYAKARTA - The Gunung Kidul Regency Health Office, Yogyakarta Special Region, said that vaccination achievement in this region was slowing due to geographical conditions and the rainy season.

The Head of the Gunung Kidul Health Office, Dewi Irawaty, said that due to this obstacle, the daily COVID-19 vaccination achievement reached one percent of the total target of 595,145 targets.

Whereas the achievement of the first dose of vaccination has reached 81.86 percent and the second dose has reached 69.51 percent of the total 595,145 targets.

"Currently, the daily vaccination achievement is less than one percent per day. We are trying to carry out house-to-house vaccinations to increase vaccination achievements by the end of the year", said Dewi in Gunung Kidul, Antara, Wednesday, November 24.

He said the slowdown in vaccination achievement was caused by several factors. First, the geographical factor of Gunung Kidul is one of the major obstacles for the Health Office in carrying out vaccinations. Because in addition to the difficult terrain, the position of the residents' residences is also quite distant and spread out.

The second, the weather factor. This rainy season is also one of the obstacles. The continuous rains made residents reluctant to come to the vaccination site.

"But we are still trying to keep the vaccination running", he said.

Dewi said the Health Office also increased the hours of vaccination services. Previously, it was only opened once a week, namely every Friday with a quota of 500 doses. Starting in early November, the Health Office will add vaccination services every Wednesday and Thursday with a quota of 300 doses each.

"Now we open vaccination services at the Health Office three times a week. Hopefully, people who have not received the vaccine, come directly to the Health Office office by showing identification", he said.

Gunung Kidul Regent Sunaryanta appreciated the health workers who had been vaccinating tirelessly. Currently, the achievement of the first dose of vaccination has reached 81.86 percent and the second dose of 69.51 percent.

"We hope that people who have not been vaccinated immediately register at the nearest vaccine implementation site. We also urge the public to comply with health protocols and not to be careless", he hoped.

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