BANYUWANGI - A crocodile caught in the fishing net of a resident of Barurejo Village, Siliragung District, Banyuwangi, East Java.

Suddenly the discovery made local residents excited, because the crocodile did not usually approach the settlement.

The Commander of the Ramil Post, Siliragung Subdistrict, Pelda Hariyanto, said the crocodile was first discovered by Tirmidi, a resident who was fishing in the Kalibaru River.

"When the net was pulled, he felt strange because it was very heavy. He also asked his partner for help. Unexpectedly, what was caught was not a fish but a crocodile," said Hariyanto, Wednesday, November 24.

Tirmidi then called other residents to evacuate the crocodile. At that time the residents brought the crocodile to the Koramil headquarters.

"We then contacted the BKSDA and on Thursday morning the crocodile was evacuated and has been secured and the plan is to release it in a safe area away from settlements," said Hariyanto.

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