JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko invites the entire community and elements of ministries/agencies to focus on strengthening public communication regarding the leadership of the Indonesian G20 in 2022.

Moeldoko emphasized the importance of communication on the chairmanship of the G20 Indonesia because this is an opportunity to show Indonesia's ability to handle the pandemic and recover from the crisis to the world.

This was conveyed by the former TNI commander at the Bakohumas thematic forum with the theme "Towards G20 Indonesia's 2022 Chairmanship" which was attended by 50 public relations officers from all ministries and institutions, in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 23, according to a KSP press release.

"Soon we will face the political year of 2024. We should not be too busy talking about politics. We must focus on strengthening public communication regarding the chairmanship of Indonesia's G20 to the world," said Moeldoko.

In addition, according to Moeldoko, communication about Indonesia's G20 leadership is important because Indonesia is the first developing country to assume the task of chairing the G20.

So that developing and vulnerable countries in the world give a lot of hope to Indonesia's leadership in the world's strong economic group which controls 85 percent of the world economy, 80 percent of global investment, 75 percent of international trade and 66 percent of the world's population.

"The chairmanship of Indonesia's G20 is a door of hope for developing countries, but on the other hand, Indonesia's leadership must be able to influence developing countries in the world," said Moeldoko.

In order to lead the G20 Indonesia, KSP was assigned with Kominfo as a communication and media management team in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 12/2021 concerning the National Committee for Chairing the G20 Indonesia.

KSP itself, in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Decree No. 83/2019, functions as a guard for strategic issues and also manages communication strategies, including political communication.

Indonesia officially accepted the handover of the G20 leadership baton from Italy and took the theme "Recover Together, Recover Stronger" in Indonesia's leadership at the G20 in 2022. Leadership in the G20 takes turns in a mutually agreed mechanism. Moeldoko emphasized that this must be interpreted as a message from Indonesia for the world to recover together.

The Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, who was also present at the forum, also appealed to government communication channels and people to balance the issue of political conflict with public communication related to the success of Indonesia's G20 chairmanship.

"Leave the sectoral ego behind, we must coordinate well so that we can convey the substance of the G20 properly," he said.

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