JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR), Saleh Partaonan Daulay, assessed that the increase in the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) should have gone through a meeting of three parties.

That is, there are talks involving the government, workers and employers. Because according to him, with the trilateral agreement, an agreement will be reached.

"Of course, not all of them will satisfy all parties. Whatever the increase, for example, our workers will ask for more. Likewise, the entrepreneurs will be considered a bit difficult in the midst of the current difficult economic situation. So all of this has to be taken care of, how can we protect the interests of the workers and the interests of the employers", said Saleh at the DPR building, Monday, November 22.

"So who did that? Yes, the government, because the government was in the trilateral meeting. So I think that's what we should emphasize", he added.

Regarding the decision made by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Saleh said, it must be communicated properly. Both in terms of the organization and for the workers.

"So a trade union, the organization must know so that they can socialize it in the midst of society", he said

For justice, Saleh suggested that three elements, namely the government, companies and their workers, should sit together.

"The government is in the middle. The government can't go to the left, it can't go to the right. What should he be in the middle to guard against? Take care of the interests of workers, protect the interests of entrepreneurs. Imagine if the employers don't want to invest, who will lose? The government loses, the workers lose. If the workers strike and riot, who loses? Yes, we all lose. Now, this must be maintained, so there must be a meeting", he said.

According to Saleh, it is difficult for the Ministry of Manpower to be progressive because it has announced an increase in the UMP first. This means, he said, the Ministry of Manpower has tried to initiate it up front and has decided on 1.09 percent on the national average.

"That's actually a guideline that has been set by the ministry of manpower, meaning that they have been working to do it without being pushed around, fussing over it first. Even though it doesn't necessarily satisfy all parties. Once again to satisfy all parties, it's not easy, it's hard. The interests vary, especially in the midst of the current economic situation. It's hard to find investors who are really tough in a situation like this", said Saleh Daulay.

Previously, the Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, emphasized that the average increase in the minimum wage (UM) nationally will reach 1.09 percent next year. This figure is obtained by using a new calculation formula that refers to Government Regulation no. 36/2021 on Wages.

Ida said that the MW was adjusted by referring to the derivative rules of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation to address the wage gap between regions. In addition, said Ida, the wage formulation with the standard method is expected to maintain the stability of the domestic business climate.

"The current minimum wage in almost all parts of Indonesia has exceeded the median wage, even Indonesia is the only country with a Kaitz Index greater than one, ideally in the range of 0.4 to 0.6", she said.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has set the Provincial Minimum Wage or UMP DKI Jakarta in 2022 of IDR 4,453,935. This figure is an increase of IDR 37,749 compared to the 2021 UMP which is IDR 4,416,186.

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