Latest News On The Suspect In The Munarman Terrorism Case, December 1, Will Hold The First Trial At The East Jakarta District Court
General Secretary of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Munarman (Wardhany Tsa Tsia/VOI)

JAKARTA - The suspect in the alleged terrorism case, Munarman, will undergo his first trial. The trial is scheduled to be held at the East Jakarta District Court in early December.

"That's right, the trial on December 1 will be conducted online", said Public Relations of the East Jakarta District Court, Alex Adam Faisal when confirmed, Monday, November 22.

In the trial later, said Alex, it will be open to the public. Thus, the public can know the progress of the trial process.

However, Alex could not explain the panel of judges who would preside over the trial. The reason is that this is regulated in Law number 5/2018 and PP 77/2019 for terrorism cases, the panel of judges, prosecutors, their identity is protected.

"Article 34, (1) The protection as referred to in Article 33 provided to investigators, public prosecutors, judges, and correctional officers and their families is in the form of: a. protection of personal security from physical and mental threats; b. confidentiality of identity; and c. other forms of protection specifically proposed by investigators, public prosecutors, judges, and correctional officers", the article reads.

Munarman was arrested by Densus at his home, Pamulang, South Tangerang, Tuesday, April 27. He was involved in a terrorism case.

Munarman is suspected of being involved in several terrorist plots in Indonesia. The police suspect that Munarman has taken allegiance in several cities, such as Makassar, Jakarta, and Medan.

Munaman was detained at the Polda Metro Jaya detention center by the Densus 88 Police investigators from 7 May 2021 to 31 October 2021.

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