SURABAYA - The East Java All-Indonesian Workers Union (SPSI) has threatened to hold a massive action, rejecting the East Java Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) for 2022. This is because the provincial government has set the 2022 East Java UMP at IDR 1,891,567, an increase of IDR 22,790 or around 1 ,2 percent from the previous year.

"I will answer the UMP 2022 decision with one more week, there will be a large mass movement in East Java. All small, medium, and large alliances will be mixed up in Grahadi or the governor's office voicing this injustice," said Chairman of SPSI East Java, Ahmad Fauzi, confirmed , Monday, November 21.

Fauzi emphasized that his party could not accept an increase in the UMP which only increased by Rp. 22,790. According to him, the increase of less than Rp100 thousand does not at all reflect the efforts of the government, which is often touting its desire to realize the welfare of workers and workers. "This is a bad precedent for the working people or working people in East Java and throughout Indonesia," he said

Fauzi said that if the increase in the UMP was only around Rp. 22 thousand, it would take the workers 41 years to achieve prosperity. He also reminded that currently the Job Creation Act is still being reviewed by the Constitutional Court. He hopes that all parties can obey the law. "Respect JR, which is still being carried out in Jakarta," he said.

In addition, Fauzi reminded, East Java UMP is the lowest compared to other provinces. Therefore, his party often suggests that the UMP increase in 2022 can reach Rp. 300 thousand.

"Although the formality of this decision (the UMP whose validity period is only about 10 days) is very painful. We do not agree," he said.

The daily executive secretary of the East Java Province, Heru Tjahjono, explained that the determination of the UMP refers to Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation and Government Regulation No. 36 of 2021 concerning Wages.

This also refers to the Letter of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number BM/383/HI.01.00/XI/2021 dated November 9, 2021 regarding Submission of Economic and Employment Data in Determining the Minimum Wage for 2022. Then also the Letter of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 561/6393 / SJ dated November 15, 2021 regarding the Determination of the 2022 Minimum Wage.

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