JAKARTA - Hadi Pranoto, a herbal preparer for COVID-19 antibodies, reported back on Ketum Cyber Indonesia, Muannas Alaidid to the police. Hadi reported Muannas with suspicion of defamation.

Hadi Pranoto's attorney, Angga Busra Lesmana, said that the alleged defamation in the report questioned his client who was deemed not to believe in rapid and swab. In fact, according to Hadi, he only talked about digital technology which is cheaper to detect the COVID-19 virus.

"There is a wrong perception on the part of the reported party (Muannas). It was explained that (Hadi) did not believe in the swab and rapid tests, instead he called the public lying," Angga told reporters, Friday, August 7.

In addition, another element of the alleged defamation, according to Angga, is related to the Muannas statement regarding the title of professor. According to Angga, his client never introduced himself to the title.

"He explained that if our client claims to be a professor, it never happened. The one who mentioned Mr. Hadi Professor was someone else," said Angga.

For these two things, Hadi Pranoto through his lawyer reported Muannas Alaidid with Article 27 paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph (3) Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions and / or Article 310 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 311 of the Criminal Code regarding Pollution. Good Name through electronic media.

Hadi Pranoto's report has been registered with the number LP / 4648 / VIII / YAN.2.5 / 2020 SPKT PMJ, August 6, 2020.

Previously, Muannas Alaidid had reported Hadi Pranoto and Erdian Aji Prihartanto alias Anji to Polda Metro Jaya. Muannas said that Hadi and Anji were suspected of spreading false news because of the video interview about the COVID-19 antibody herbal.

The Muannas report has been upgraded to the investigation stage after examining witnesses and requesting expert testimony. Anji and Hadi Pranoto are scheduled to be questioned next week.

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