JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has ensured that the auction process for luxury goods looted by the state related to the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya corruption case is carried out in a transparent and gradual manner.

"The auction is conducted online and transparently through the Indonesian auction portal or go.id auction, preceded by the announcement of the auction," said Acting Secretary to the Deputy Attorney General for Guidance (Sesjambin) at the AGO Sartono at a press conference quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 21.

This is in accordance with the provisions as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 213 of 2020 concerning Auction Implementation Guidelines and other related provisions.

He said the auction of goods in the form of cars, motorcycles, land, and phinisi boats from the convicts of the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya corruption case would be carried out in each of the places where the goods were located.

Specifically in Jakarta, the Jakarta State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL) has assessed 15 four-wheeled vehicles and one two-wheeled vehicle. The overall fair value of these goods reached more than Rp11 billion.

"So, the goods that are here are because the location of the goods is in Jakarta," he said.

Then, for the goods in West Kalimantan, precisely in Pontianak or under the Pontianak KPKNL, an assessment of four units of two-wheeled vehicles, three four-wheeled vehicles, and 27 plots of land has been carried out. The overall fair value result is Rp48 billion

Furthermore, in East Kalimantan, precisely in Banjarmasin, an assessment has also been carried out on 26 parcels of land with a fair value of Rp37 billion.

An assessment was also carried out in West Java, namely at KPKNL Cirebon in the form of two parcels of land with a fair value of Rp114 million and at KPKNL Balikpapan to 36 parcels of land with a fair value of Rp270 billion.

From the results of these calculations, on November 24, 2021, an auction will be conducted for 15 four-wheeled vehicles and one unit of two-wheeled vehicles at KPKNL Jakarta.

One day later, on November 25, a phinisi ship will also be auctioned through the Makassar KPKNL. Especially for auctions in Jakarta, "aanwijzing" or auction explanations to participants before the auction begins will be held on Sunday, November 21. Meanwhile, the aanwijzing of the phinisi ship is scheduled for Tuesday, November 23.

In general, he also ensured that the AGO together with the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance would conduct auctions in the form of cars, land, and other stolen goods according to the schedule that had been prepared.

"So it's not just what's here, all the looted items confiscated in the Jiwasraya case will all be auctioned off, but in stages," he said.

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