JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office is investigating allegations of corruption in land acquisition activities by the Jakarta City Parks and Forests Service. The location of the alleged corruption case related to land is in Cipayung, East Jakarta.

Head of the Attorney General's Office of Legal Information Center, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, said the investigation into the alleged corruption in the land acquisition was following up on the Attorney General's order regarding the eradication of the land mafia.

"The Head of the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office responded quickly by issuing an Investigation Order against 1 (one) case related to land issues that met the qualifications for a criminal act of corruption, namely an investigation into a case of alleged corruption in Land Acquisition Activities by the City Parks and Forests Service of DKI Province. Jakarta in Cipayung District, East Jakarta Administration City in 2018, which has the potential to cause state financial losses", Leonard said in a written statement, Friday, November 19.

This investigation warrant was signed by the Head of the DKI High Court with the number: Print-2709/M.1/Fd.1/11/2021 dated November 17, 2021.

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