JAKARTA - The Jakarta Youth and Sports Agency (Dispora) has proposed a budget of IDR 2.7 billion to finance the 20th International Youth Forum which will be held next year.

To note, this activity was held by the youth organization Indonesian Youth Diplomacy, chaired by Michael Victor Sianipar. Michael is also the Chairman of the Regional Executive Board of the DKI Jakarta PSI Faction.

This budget proposal is included in the youth competitiveness capacity development program for the DKI Jakarta Dispora which is included in the master document as input for the General Policy Priority Budget for the Provisional Budget Ceiling (KUA-PPAS) for the 2022 DKI Jakarta Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD).

In the document, the budget is divided into several components for the needs of organizing events, ranging from equipment rental, stationery, guest banquets, to guest star fees.

This budget proposal was also confirmed by the Secretary of Commission E of the DKI Regional House of Representatives from the PDIP Faction, Jhonny Simanjuntak.

"There is a youth activity in which one of the leaders is the leader of the PSI party, Michael Sianipar", said Jhonny when contacted, Thursday, November 18.

Jhonny said the budget was included in the youth competitiveness capacity development program at Dispora.

Jhonny said, DKI Dispora initially proposed a budget of up to IDR 3 billion more to hold the forum. However, the initial nominal was not approved because it was considered a waste.

"I even said what the hell is that big if it can be reduced. That's very expensive, a waste of up to Rp3 billion", said Jhonny.

Then, Commission E together with the DKI Dispora agreed to cut the budget to IDR 2.7 billion. "In the end, it was still budgeted, because the reason was that the train had an audience with the governor", he added.

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