JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Golkar Party DPP Airlangga Hartarto congratulated Muhammadiyah on its 109th anniversary. Airlangga invited Muhammadiyah to continue to spread optimism in facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Let's be optimistic in facing the COVID-19 pandemic by spreading religious values," said Airlangga, Thursday, November 18.

The General Chairperson of Golkar emphasized that as an organization, the role of Muhammadiyah has been felt by the Indonesian people and nation.

This social organization, which is now led by the General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nasir, has many roles in social, educational, economic, and health fields.

"Muhammadiyah has shown a role that has been felt by the Indonesian nation and state," said Airlangga.

The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs prayed for Muhammadiyah to continue its work for the benefit of the people. Muhammadiyah is also expected to remain istiqomah with the struggles it has done so far.

"Hopefully Muhammaduyah can fastabiqul khairat, istiqomah, and contribute to the development of the Indonesian nation and state," said Airlangga.

Previously, in an official statement from Muhammadiyah, the General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive Haedar Nasir advised the entire nation, especially during this COVID-19 recovery period, to continue to maintain the spirit of optimism, togetherness, strengthen values that strengthen togetherness and avoid values that destroy it.

"In relation to COVID-19, Muhammadiyah from the beginning has consistently continued to strive with all the capabilities, sources of funds, resources and systems that we are mobilizing, to be present to be a part of providing solutions and at the same time optimism in facing this very heavy pandemic," said Haedar.

In addition to keeping the community disciplined in maintaining health protocols, Haedar advised that any serious problem would be easier to overcome if the Indonesian people were together and united. In the context of building togetherness, he said that this nation must be able to eliminate sharp differences that cause cracks and splits.

Haedar also invited the nation's citizens to develop core values with the spirit of ta'awun and diversity. The Indonesian nation will never progress if each goes their own way, or grows their own interests. The chairman of PP Muhammadiyah invites all parties to find common ground and mobilize joint efforts.

"The impact of this pandemic is very heavy on health, on the economy and even on the social and psychological life of the community and nation. So cooperation from all parties with cross programs is very important. We must prioritize the value (taawun) or build cooperation for the good of the nation," he said.

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