COVID-19 Cases In Bangka Belitung Start To Stretch, There Are 11 Additional Patients
Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash

JAKARTA - The case of COVID-19 in the Bangka Belitung Islands is starting to stretch. The Task Force said there were 11 active COVID-19 patients, bringing the total to 98 people undergoing quarantine at referral hospitals, centralized and independent isolation.

"Currently, the addition of daily COVID-19 cases is dominated by West Bangka Regency," said Secretary of the Babel Islands Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Mikron Antariksa in Pangkalpinang, Thursday.

He explained that based on the latest data, the addition of 11 daily cases of COVID-19 with a cumulative of 52.169 people spread in West Bangka 4, Central Bangka 2, Bangka 2, East Belitung 2, Belitung 1 people.

"With the addition of this case, COVID-19 patients are required to undergo isolation to 98 people spread across Belitung 23, Pangkalpinang 19, West Bangka 15, East Belitung 14, Central Bangja 12, Bangka 10, and South Bangka 5 people," he said.

He said the recovered patients from COVID-19 also increased by 2 with a cumulative 50,619 people in Belitung 1 and 1 patient in East Belitung. Meanwhile, other regencies/cities have no additional patients recovered from this coronavirus.

"Today, one COVID-19 patient in West Bangka died, due to a co-morbidity suffered by the patient," he said.

According to him, the weekly and monthly accumulation of confirmed cases in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands has in principle decreased, as a result of the policy of all regional heads to be able to isolate all confirmed positive patients into Integrated Isolation.

In addition, there is increasing knowledge and awareness of the community to implement vaccinations and health protocols in daily life.

"We hope that patients who are in self-isolation will move to centralized isolation, to get more adequate health services while reducing the potential for transmission of the coronavirus in their family environment," he said.

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