JEPARA - Jepara Resort Police, Central Java has named one person as a suspect in a fraudulent investment case via WhatsApp (WA). Approximately 200 people became victims with a total loss of Rp. 500 million.

"The suspect has the initials YN (21) a resident of Jambu Village, Mlonggo District, Jepara who offers investment through WA status uploads with the promise of lucrative profits," said Jepara Police Chief AKBP Warsono accompanied by Kasatreskrim AKP M Fachrur Rozi during a press conference in Jepara, Antara, Wednesday. , November 17th.

The case occurred in July 2021. YN offers money investment through WA status uploads in the hope that many will be interested in investing.

Investors are promised a profit of between Rp. 100 thousand to Rp. 500 thousand. YN's offer was successful, because many people flocked to ask for the investment.

The victim was then asked by YN to transfer the money to his account. After receiving the money, it turned out that YN could not fulfill his promise to provide profits so that the investment participants were harmed.

From this case, the Jepara Police investigators also secured a number of items of evidence, such as proof of transfer from the BRI bank, the suspect's cellular phone, one memory card, two BRI and BCA account books and 3 account books belonging to the suspect, 163 bank statements and 25 sheets. screenshot of chat and WA status.

For his actions, suspect YN is considered to have violated Article 378 and/or Article 372 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of four years in prison.

In order not to repeat it, the public is advised not to be easily tempted by investment offers that provide large profits.

This is because there is no business that is instant, immediately generates a large enough profit. The public is also asked to check the legality of the business that offers the investment.

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