SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Cleanliness and Green Open Space Service in East Java Province is intensifying the cleaning of culverts to minimize the risk of flooding.

Head of the Surabaya City Cleanliness and Green Open Space Agency, Anna Fajriatin, said that garbage entering the culverts can block the flow of water during heavy rains or high tides and such conditions can cause puddles.

He appealed to residents not to throw garbage into rivers or waterways so that the flow of water is not hampered when it rains or high tides come.

"When we cleaned the canal in the Jalan Tidar area, the contents were lumps of fat from food waste that were dumped into sewers and prevented water from flowing," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 16.

Anna said residents and business actors who were caught throwing garbage in waterways could be fined in accordance with applicable local regulations.

"People must start caring, it's time for us to jointly maintain cleanliness by not littering," he said.

In addition to encouraging the cleaning of culverts, the Surabaya City Cleanliness and Green Open Space Service also trims trees and fragile tree branches to prevent trees from falling and causing disasters.

"The community can immediately inform us through Command Center 112 so that we can quickly take action (if there are trees that are at risk of falling)," said Anna.

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