JAKARTA - Kembangan police chief Kompol Khoiri denied that in the Kembangan area there was no sweeping carried out by the FBR mass organization against other mass organizations.

"There are no such issues, only issues," said Kompol Khoiri when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, November 16.

Meanwhile, from the amateur video footage recorded by one of the drivers from a group of people who were sweeping viral on Instagram social media with the ciledug24hour account.

In the video, the narration is written, "A video circulated allegedly of a sweeping action by one of the mass organizations following the reaction from the attack to the death of a member of a mass organization in Joglo, Kembangan." the video was uploaded on November 15, in the early hours of the morning.

From the video, the voice of one of the motorcyclists is recorded.

"Brothers, life pays for life, our brother is missing one deceased. You can't keep playing," he said in a video recording.

Responding to the circulation of the amateur video, Kompol Khoiri confirmed that in his area no sweeping was carried out by certain mass organizations. According to him, the sweeping video of mass organizations circulating on social media was not in the Kembangan area.

"There's no such issue. It's safe, it's not there, we play with members and mass organizations around together until morning," he said.

The police chief also mentioned that the sweeping video circulating could be said to be a hoax.

"There is no (sweeping). The hoax (video) does not exist at all in Kembangan. There is no sweeping," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Kembangan Police Chief, Kompol Khoiri, confirmed that a member of the FBR community organization (ormas) was killed and tortured using sharp weapons at the Joglo substation, Kembangan District, West Jakarta. The victim's initials DR (27) is a member of one of the FBR mass organizations.

"Yes, there is a victim of a mass organization member (died) with a stab wound," said Kompol Khoiri when contacted by VOI, Monday, November 15.

Until now, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kembangan Police is still continuing to investigate the perpetrators of the stabbing, whether from mass organizations or other groups.

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